
Showing posts from February, 2013

Miss this - And Your Financial Bucket Will End-up EMPTY!

Think about this - Can You Live a Single Day Without Water?  Two days ago, we ran out of water in our subdivision because of the submersible pump failure. It was early in the morning when we were about to wash the dishes after breakfast when the over head tank ran out of water and there’s no more water goes out of the faucet. Fortunately, it was raining then and so I gathered all the pails and basins and start catching water from the down spout. It took few hours to fill the bigger basin since the rain was not that heavy. Each of us realized that it was so difficult then for us to adjust living without water. Each of us became more concerned on water wastages and even tries to recycle the used water. We sacrifice taking a bath just to conserve water we gathered until the water supply comes back to normal. There was really discomfort in our part e.g. not taking a bath for two days for example & heaping laundry at the laundry bar, etc… and we got to wait for the pump to get fixe...

The Greatest SCAM

Hello, Bong Bungalan Jr. here and I'd like to ask you a serious and disturbing question.  Have you ever wondered why life gets tougher (Financially) as the days gone by?   I used to think before that this is life (normal) and I used to believe that's it  but now I'm so grateful that I see - I was SCAMMED! How do you feel the moment you realized that you've been scammed? Of course you'll be as angry and furious as I did 3 years ago. I saw myself & my family bounded by the system, struggling and chasing hard for that mysterious "thing" just as the donkey pursuing the carrot being set in from of her by her master who is riding behind her back. Thanks to Robert for striking me with the idea. As a normal consequence to SCAMS & Scammers, they must face their ultimate end : Demise - though they may do within their very means to protect their interest and hide their schemes.   Economically, YES we are scammed!  We are scammed & set up by these people ...