Paper Money Can Make or Break YOU.

It Can Either Work FOR you or Work Against You. One morning a few days ago, my wife was disappointed to see the outer sole of her shoes stripped off again just a day after she fixed it with rubber cement. As I take look at it later, I found out that the way she applied the rubber cement was improper – the surface was not cleaned well before applying and she did not allow to let it dry first before gluing the surface together. That was why the optimum and desired result of the fix was not attained, although rubber cement has been known and tested to be an efficient rubber adhesive. Well, a lot of things around that if used properly will make our life easier and better or even saves us energy and resources. However, no matter how effective and usable a thing would be if it is used improperly and messed up with it, that “useful” thing may cause us trouble or problem which may lead to disappointment, stress and dismay. The same is true with our “Paper Money” – the “money” we per...