TIPS For Personal Financial Health

  1. Develop a Personal Budget
  2. Save 20% of your Net Income
  3. Think, Talk & Plan in terms of your Net Income
  4. Round up your Checkbook e.g.if you spend P 950.00, record it as P 1,000.00 – overtime, this creates a nice cushion.
  5. Have only one Credit Card (Don’t use it carelessly).
  6. Decide to invest at least 20% of your Income.
  7. Give 10% of your Income to your Place of Worship.
  8. Avoid paying Interest, instead get paid (e.g. dividends, royalty, etc…)
  9. Read & Absorb books on Money Management and Investing
  10. Become knowledgeable about Investing: master Risk management & Risk / Reward balancing.
  11. Choose a competent accountant to work closely with you.
  12. Review your RESULTS monthly.


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