Financial Independence? Refuse To Conform The MATRIX!

(Part 1)

Matrix (mey-triks, ma-) -  from:
Something that constitutes the place or point from which something else originates, takes form, or develops: The Greco-Roman world was the matrix for Western civilization.

Matrix is everywhere and most likely, it is always operating subtly and insidiously – Unnoticed and perceived as a just, normal & reasonable matter to the majority of human’s average logical thinking. Whether natural and/or forced matrices, usually it follows a predictable outcome or patterns that would “over and over” happen after a certain stimulus or circumstance and looking back on human history,  it could be observed that human nature tends to adopt and accept the accepted norms & patterns of the society without questioning its logic and reasons.

Economically, perhaps there is a matrix that have been crafted and engineered (subtly) since the dawn of the civilizations - developed and thrived over many generations & until today, gearing  towards what they call "World Government" - a  world of order & control.  Consider the following quote: 

“We are grateful to the Washington Post, the NY Times,Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promise of discretion for almost 40 years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plans for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But now, the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supra national sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries"

From a Banker and of CFR

I am not pointing my fingers nor blaming nor cursing these elites who have been blamed by “conspiracy theorist” & activists for conspiring – crafting and socially engineering our world thru behavioral & psychological alteration / brainwashing techniques & indoctrination so that people may  behave and conform to their desired outcome (willfully) for their own benefits and profits. Let me reiterate & should I exhort therefore that we should not be pointing fingers, whining nor playing the Blame Game with our current situation - its time to take ACTION: Refuse to follow the matrix.


The Financial MATRIX – (How it works against You and Me)


  1. Government - Initially a government was supposed to be a “Government of the people, by the people and for the people” but over the course of time, this is no longer true though it has always been a politicians' promise during their campaigns, their debates are always seems it is as well as in their “Plataforma”. Fortunately, the government is the only component of this highly civilized culture who can formulate, regulate and prohibit or implement laws and regulations that take effect in the land. However, over the period of time, as political parties’ spending during elections skyrocketed to the roof – wherein low budget campaigns would no longer work, thus politicians and political parties started welcoming support from different sectors of the society e.g. religious groups, even from the bankers, oil miners or from any business sectors and groups: from the most to the least influential. Therefore it cannot be discounted that the directions, inclinations & implementations of these politicians that run the government are most likely tainted in favor to their major supporter or else, they shall be stripped-off from power.  Although this is now our case, let me clarify myself that I am not insinuating nor suggesting any form of disobedience to the government implementations nor violating any of it – NEVER!
  2. Human Capital – Theoretically, it is the stock of competencies, knowledge, social and personality attributes, including creativity, embodied in the ability to perform labor so as to produce economic value. Theoretically – it is! Human are seen just  a STOCK  of the economy that produce economic value. This seemed fair though since we need to “Till the Ground” to live right? However, though humans are creature of logic and reasoning - a rational being, over the period of time  our society evolved into a kind of complex yet enslaving system which unfortunately, human capital nowadays developed and cultivated in such a way that it is now bounded by time and wages and became wage slaves of the corporations and companies. Still, though humans are creature of logic and reason with free-will, many turned out to be a virtually NO-Choice in their situation and thus continue to follow the Matrix (without doing anything to reverse the situation) that they should be the Human Capital for somebody else's – not for their selves. 

    (To be continued: The second part of this blog shall come shortly –
    We will talk about the
    Banking System and  the Mainstream Media – how we are conditioned and cultivated financially.)


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